N2467Q – 2007 Cessna 172S

$185 (CLUB) / $200 (NON-CLUB) + $80 CONSUMABLES



Cruise Speed: 120 KTAS


Fuel Capacity: 53 Gallons


Fuel Burn: 9 Gallons Per Hour


Range: 550 Nautical Miles


Avionics: Garmin G1000

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Aero Atlanta Aircraft Rentals

More Cessna 172’s have been built than any other aircraft, so it’s not surprising that this docile airplane is one of the most popular training aircraft in use today. Aero Atlanta has several 172SP’s in our fleet, and getting checked out in our Cessna 172’s usually consists of one or two flights with an Aero Atlanta CFI (one hour minimum) and one hour of ground work to discuss aircraft systems and performance capabilities. Additional training may be required to attain proficiency on the Garmin G1000 platform – ask for details.

More Details

N2467Q is a 180HP 2006 Cessna 172S with a Garmin G1000 PFD & MFD and a KAP-140 dual-axis autopilot. In addition to being an outstanding platform for private and instrument training, this airplane is a great choice for regional cross-country flights.

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